When you get a credit card from us, you’re not just getting a piece of plastic. You’re gaining exclusive benefits that only a select few enjoy as members of OAS FCU. Our Classicand Platinum Rewards Credit Cards are designed to meet your financial needs perfectly, whether you’re shopping, traveling, studying, consolidating debt, or preparing for unexpected expenses.
Apply today and use it everywhere VISA is accepted.
Choose between our Classic or Platinum Rewards programs: Our Classic Credit Card is perfect for building credit or fixing a less-than-perfect credit history. Our Platinum Rewards Credit Card lets you earn bonus points that can be redeemed for a variety of rewards like airfare, hotel stays, merchandise, and gift cards.
- Low card rates
- No foreign transaction fees1 for cash advances or balance transfers.
- A special low rate for 12 months on all balance transfers2 to help you pay off higher-rate credit cards.
- Convenient mobile wallets for quick and easy purchases using your phone.
- Contactless chip technology that allows you to simply tap your card to make everyday purchases.
- User-friendly tools for managing your credit card around the clock, paying off your balances, and keeping an eye on your transactions.
- 100% protection for unauthorized transactions with Visa’s Zero Liability policy.3
Choose your Card and Apply Today
Let us help you reach your financial goals by applying for our convenient and low-interest Classic or Platinum Rewards Credit Card. We are all part of the same financial family here to support your success.