Credit unions unite for the future

Credit unions unite for the future

This month OASFCU and UNFCU cohost the 4th annual United in Sustainability Summit.

Anyone who is a member at a credit union likely knows that we’re all about teamwork. One of the themes that permeated the 7 credit union principles is cooperation: it starts with people volunteering to help steer credit unions; then, credit unions help their communities; and credit unions work with each other. We’re pleased to announce that, in keeping with the idea of cooperation –and expanding on it quite a bit!- UNFCU and OASFCU will cohost again the 4th Annual United in Sustainability (UIS) Summit.

volunteer - voluntario

What is UIS

This conference, taking place online over the course of two days (November 15-16) will gather credit union officials, volunteers, organizations, investors and experts to discuss sustainability in business. The goal of the summit is to bring awareness and promote the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals as viable –and desirable- components of credit unions’ business models.

It will feature:

  • A direct update from the UN COP26 Climate conference from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
  • TED talks by credit union leaders who are embracing Sustainability as part of their business models, sharing their knowledge and experiences.
  • Presentations by experts from global organizations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
  • Panel discussions moderated by Credit Union Leaders.
    panel discussion - discusión de panelistas

Why we’re doing this

Here at OASFCU we embraced the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals several years ago. It is our belief that it is everyone’s responsibility, both ethical and financially, to develop sustainable business strategies. Not just to show our clients or members that we’re doing the right thing; rather, because it is the right thing to do for our planet and our future generations.

Since we know that credit unions are central actors in communities around the world, we believe that cohosting this Summit is a great way of promoting and bringing sustainability to even more communities, through the very credit unions that serve them. Now it’s your chance. Join us in making a difference!

It all starts here.

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